Friday, December 23, 2005

Performancing, now with Technorati Tags

I spoke too soon. Now Performancing has Tags (the Technorati kind - not Technorati Tags: , , , , Technorati Tags: , , , ,

Performancing Extension Screenshots

Johan requested that I post some screenshots of the Performancing editor Firefox extension, since I questioned whether I'd be using his excellent greasemonkey script much when I could be using Performancing.

So ok - here goes:

The perfomancing shortcut is quite unobtrusive...

Most of what you need is here - except tags, of course...
UPDATE: So I had to go back and edit this post in Blogger - got an error when trying to edit the published post directly inside Performancing. So now I can tag it...

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Testing Performancing's Blog Editor

So much for all of Johan's hard work. I may be abandoning Blogger's editing system altogether in favor of Performancing's new (to me, at least) blogger editor which sits inside Firefox. So far it looks great - with the usual notable exception:

Where are the TAGS?

CodeSmith Community

The new CodeSmith Community has been launched. Looks like Eric's partnership with Telligent is paying off.

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BlogThis with Tags

Johan Sundström updates his excellent usercsript that adds tagging to Blogger. Google ought to hire this guy...

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Greasemonkey UserScript for adding Tagging to Blogger

The UserScript. Unfortunately it only works in the post-edit page and not in the Blog-This dialog (which would have been oh-so-much-more useful).

ReSharper 2.0 Plan

The JetBrains guys updated their ReSharper 2.0 Plan. Builds 212-213 are much less buggy than previous versions, they might make their scheduled release date of late next month/early february.

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Thursday, December 15, 2005

Google Firefox Extensions

Google just added a few more Firefox extensions , one of which allows you to see blog-comments for any web-page, and post your own as well.  Which is what I'm doing right now.  

Might be come tedious after a while, but so far I like it.  Now they just need to add technorati (or their own) tags.

...and ReSharper 212 is released

That was quick: Download -
Build 212
* Fixed bug with non-persisting user settings
* Added msvcr70.dll to the installer to prevent DllNotFoundException from happening when displaying Find Usages results

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Wednesday, December 14, 2005

SQL: Bug in UDFs using COALESCE with SELECT and Multiple RETURNs?

I encountered a strange bug in some sql code I was refactoring this morning, when I replaced a number of IF .. ELSE statements with a simple COALESCE. The essence of the buggy code was as follows:

USE Northwind

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.Foo (@EmployeeID int)
RETURNS nvarchar(20)
 --Declare a variable that really shouldn't be used
 DECLARE @EmployeeName nvarchar(20)
 SET @EmployeeName = 'Not expected'
   (SELECT e.LastName FROM dbo.Employees e 
    WHERE e.EmployeeID = @EmployeeID), 
   '(Not Found)'
 --The function SHOULD have exited by now...
 RETURN @EmployeeName

--Both of these return unexpected results
SELECT dbo.Foo(1)          --Returns 'Not expected'
SELECT dbo.Foo(564654)  --Returns 'Not expected'
As can be seen from the code - I would have expected the first RETURN to exit the function. Instead what is actually returned is the contents of the @EmployeeName.

This appears to be a bug in how SQL handles the combination UDF, multiple RETURNs and a SELECT statement within a COALESCE.

(For the record, the following version of the function works fine:)

USE Northwind

ALTER FUNCTION dbo.Foo (@EmployeeID int)
RETURNS nvarchar(20)
 --Declare a variable that really shouldn't be used
 DECLARE @EmployeeName nvarchar(20)
 SET @EmployeeName = 'Not expected'
   (SELECT e.LastName FROM dbo.Employees e 
    WHERE e.EmployeeID = @EmployeeID), 
   '(Not Found)'
 --The function SHOULD have exited by now...

--These now return the expected results
SELECT dbo.Foo(1)           --Returns 'Davolio'
SELECT dbo.Foo(564654)   --Returns '(Not Found)'


Monday, December 12, 2005

Yahoo! My Web 2.0 vs.

I wonder what Yahoo's buyout of will mean to Yahoo's own My Web 2.0?

I'm a tad slow, so I just discovered MyWeb2 the day before the Yahoolicious deal, but from a first glance, MyWeb2 has one notable feature that doesn't: the option of privacy. I guess that feature will come to as well now, along with ads, I'm sure.

Technorati Tags: , , , ,


JetBrains ReSharper Build 211

Jetbrains just released build 211 of ReSharper. Hopefully they fixed some more bugs along with adding the features below:
Build 211
* Editor: highlighting of caret row
* Extract Class from Method Parameters refactoring
* Generating Equals and GetHashCode method implementations (via Alt-Insert popup)
* Implement members: ability to generate fields for implemented properties
* Implement members: option to generate explicit (private) implementations
* Implement members: additional treatment of ISerializable interface
* NAnt build files: completion for tags and attributes
* Ctrl-N: auto-switch to searching in libraries when no matching type found in solution
* Obsolete attribute is taken into account by code highlighting and intellisense
* Context action for changing visibility modifier (available on visibility modifier keyword)
* Context action for splitting local variable declaration and initialization
* Context action for joining local variable declaration and initialization
* Context actions for converting implicit interface member implementation into explicit and vice versa
* Context action for navigating implementations (overriding members) of particular interface (class) in this class's bases list
* Code completion: option to not narrow down list of suggestions (as in VS intellisense)

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Sunday, December 11, 2005

Testing Writely as a Blogging Tool

Testing Writely as a blogging tool.

Writely has been around for a while now, and as usual I tried it out, without much of a purpose for doing so. Then Michael Arrington did a review in TechCrunch, and I had a second look.

The WYSIWYG features are nice, being able to collaborate is also useful, but I think, if anything I'd use Writely mostly for it's blogging integration. We'll see. The AJAX wordprocessor market is getting crowded, and my attention span is limited.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Trying Attensa

I downloaded Attensa today to see if it would give me anything over RSSPopper which in general has served me well, but is a little skinny on the features.  Primarily, the feature that drove me to download was the tagging support, but it also supports posting via Outlook, which could be useful as well (depending on how the html ends up).  Then there’s also the Attensa toolbar for Firefox, which brings feed auto-discovery, in browser feed-reading, and a single button that brings the same functionality as the delicious and foxylicious extensions combined.

This may be a keeper.