MOSS: Goodbye 2000 limit, Hello 3000?

Image via CrunchBase
The rule of thumb for SharePoint lists has always been “no more than 2000 items in a given container”.
Now in the recently released White Paper “SharePoint Performance Optimization - How Microsoft IT Increases Availability and Decreases Rendering Time of SharePoint Sites”, the following is stated in the Best Practices section:
“Manage large lists for performance
Having large lists by itself is not necessarily a performance issue. When SharePoint Server renders the many items in those lists, that can cause spikes in render times and database blocking. One way to mitigate large lists is to use subfolders and create a hierarchical structure where each folder or subfolder has no more than 3,000 items.”
The 2000 items was always a soft limit, of course, but interesting to see MS now saying 3000…
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Labels: microsoft, moss, news, sharepoint
hmmm have you tried it ?
Anonymous, at Wednesday, September 24, 2008 1:57:00 PM
The theorhetical limit solution works with views as well as folders so if there are over 2000 items in a list (with no folders) as long as the view of the list does not show all those items it should be OK. I have recently tested this by having 2500 items in a list viewing them in groups of 100 which was perfectly fine.
Anonymous, at Thursday, September 25, 2008 3:38:00 AM
As I said, the 2000 limit was never a hard limit, just a best practices guideline. It all depends on how many items you return in the page, how many security principals are attached (if you break inheritance and use item-level permissions), whether there are indexed fields, etc, etc. I have personally tested lists with 5000+ items (without folder hierarchy) and you do start seeing gradual increases in response time. Deletes especially get slow past 2-3000 items.
Also the one comprehensive test I have seen of this show a steep drop off in responsiveness at around 4000 items.
My point is only this: the GUIDELINE appears to have been shifted to 3000 for the first time - that's all.
Oskar Austegard, at Thursday, September 25, 2008 2:35:00 PM
This was a typo...
Anonymous, at Friday, October 24, 2008 6:09:00 PM
I agree that the 2000 items limit is a myth which can be ignored - IF - you use the lists correctly
You can checkout my blog series about SharePoint List Performance at dynaTrace Blog.
This series looks into the SharePoint Object Model to highlight what is actually going on between the SharePoint Servers and the Content Database
Hope it helps to understand SharePoint Internals better to build better apps on top of it
Anonymous, at Friday, January 23, 2009 8:39:00 AM
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