Monday, March 31, 2008

MOSS: Favelets for SharePoint Management Pages

Favelets (or Bookmarklets) are javascript uris that when added as a Favorite (or Bookmark) perform an action on the current page or browser instance rather than navigating you to a particular location. (For a more comprehensive description, see wikipedia.)

I frequently use the Links or Bookmarks toolbar to add static shortcuts to MOSS admin pages, but since I move from project to project and from VPC to VPC, TI thought it might be useful to have a set of favelets that would act on any MOSS page and site.  So below are some of the links normally found in the Site Menu, they may or may not be useful to you:

(Note that these links will only work on MOSS pages (so not on this blog), and of course you'll need proper access to the admin pages in question.)

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