Beer Saves Lives
Well - at least one life: Ananova - Man peed way out of avalanche
The Electronic Frontier Foundation needs your help to save Endangered Gizmos.
RED HERRING has a story on a drive for The hundred-buck PC to be created for the developing world. It's supposed to be portable, but I don't see how a 14" portable monitor (i.e. LCD) can possible be cheap enough at this time.
Google browser coming soon... Google Hires Mozilla Firefox Engineer
Interesting concept - first find a show - then get the transcript: Google Video Search
Example: Andy Rooney on the tsunami:
Step 1: Search for '"andy rooney" tsunami'
Step 2: Click on Andy's face.
Step 3: Seacrh within the show for 'tsunami'
Exporting as XML from SQL Server:
SQL Server Forums at - SQL Server 2000 XML
PerfectXML: Exporting SQL Data as XML
Labels: sql
Is there anything Google is not planning to do?
Google gears up for a free-phone challenge to BTfrom the Times Online - Britain, via Slashdot
If this catches hold, it may be worth returning to the web for application development:
Slashdot | What is JSON, JSON-RPC and JSON-RPC-Java?
One of the better High School graduation speeches I've read in a while: What You'll Wish You'd Known by Paul Graham (via Slashdot).
Another implementation of the same technology behind Google Suggest: ObjectGraph Dictionary
An excellent explanation of their approach is here.
If you haven't tried Google Suggest - go here:
I've already done this at work: Disable Caps Lock :: Useful Stuff ::
Glad to see I'm not the only one having this issue: .Net Web Services and passing objects (and Data) from Rick Strahl's WebLog.
Lots of goodness here: Examples - Programming with the .NET Framework. I was particularly looking for some solution to the problem of the wsdl.exe-generated custom objects losing their properties (they were turned into fields).
After falling asleep two nights in a row while watching this week's episode of Law & Order, I finally caught the ending this morning. (Thank you again, TiVo.) The ending (which had nothing to do with the case) left me confused. This sums it up well: Law & Order goes lesbo-crazy.
Labels: rant
...and while talking about finance - here is the aggregate economic outlook on 2005 by 600 Manufacturing CFO's: 2005 CFO Outlook as compiled by Bank of America Business Capital.
An interesting article about Economic indicators and their effect on the financial markets: What Do The Numbers Really Mean? Uncovering the Secrets of Economic Indicators From Knowledge@Wharton
Hardly new, but he speaks the truth:
How To Write Unmaintainable Code
I also like this phrase: "Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur."