Monday, January 31, 2005

Beer Saves Lives

Well - at least one life: Ananova - Man peed way out of avalanche

EFF: Endangered Gizmos!

The Electronic Frontier Foundation needs your help to save Endangered Gizmos.

The hundred-buck portable PC

RED HERRING has a story on a drive for The hundred-buck PC to be created for the developing world. It's supposed to be portable, but I don't see how a 14" portable monitor (i.e. LCD) can possible be cheap enough at this time.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Google Hires Mozilla Firefox Engineer

Google browser coming soon... Google Hires Mozilla Firefox Engineer

XML and Data Access Integration

Essential ADO.NET: XML and Data Access Integration

Google Video Search

Interesting concept - first find a show - then get the transcript: Google Video Search
Example: Andy Rooney on the tsunami:
  Step 1: Search for '"andy rooney" tsunami'
  Step 2: Click on Andy's face.
  Step 3: Seacrh within the show for 'tsunami'


Exporting as XML from SQL Server:

SQL Server Forums at - SQL Server 2000 XML
PerfectXML: Exporting SQL Data as XML


Monday, January 24, 2005

Google Phone

Is there anything Google is not planning to do?

Google gears up for a free-phone challenge to BT
from the Times Online - Britain, via Slashdot


If this catches hold, it may be worth returning to the web for application development:

Slashdot | What is JSON, JSON-RPC and JSON-RPC-Java?

Sunday, January 23, 2005

How To Steal Wi-Fi - And how to keep the neighbors from stealing yours.

From Slate:

How To Steal Wi-Fi - And how to keep the neighbors from stealing yours. By Paul Boutin

Friday, January 21, 2005

What You'll Wish You'd Known

One of the better High School graduation speeches I've read in a while: What You'll Wish You'd Known by Paul Graham (via Slashdot).

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

ObjectGraph Dictionary

Another implementation of the same technology behind Google Suggest: ObjectGraph Dictionary

An excellent explanation of their approach is here.

Google Suggest Dissections

If you haven't tried Google Suggest - go here:


Disable Caps Lock

I've already done this at work: Disable Caps Lock :: Useful Stuff ::

(more on) .Net Web Services and passing objects (and Data)

Glad to see I'm not the only one having this issue: .Net Web Services and passing objects (and Data) from Rick Strahl's WebLog.

.NET Examples

Lots of goodness here: Examples - Programming with the .NET Framework. I was particularly looking for some solution to the problem of the wsdl.exe-generated custom objects losing their properties (they were turned into fields).

Monday, January 17, 2005

How to Sell Your Boss

Interesting: Working Smart: How to Sell Your Boss

Sunday, January 16, 2005


After falling asleep two nights in a row while watching this week's episode of Law & Order, I finally caught the ending this morning. (Thank you again, TiVo.) The ending (which had nothing to do with the case) left me confused. This sums it up well: Law & Order goes lesbo-crazy.


Thursday, January 13, 2005

2005 CFO Outlook

...and while talking about finance - here is the aggregate economic outlook on 2005 by 600 Manufacturing CFO's: 2005 CFO Outlook as compiled by Bank of America Business Capital.

What Do The Numbers Really Mean?

An interesting article about Economic indicators and their effect on the financial markets: What Do The Numbers Really Mean? Uncovering the Secrets of Economic Indicators From Knowledge@Wharton

Friday, January 07, 2005

Generic (Multiple) Sorting For Typed Collections

... and an even better version: Generic (Multiple) Sorting For Typed Collections

A generic sorter for strongly-typed collections

For later: A generic sorter for strongly-typed collections

Thursday, January 06, 2005

How To Write Unmaintainable Code

Hardly new, but he speaks the truth:

How To Write Unmaintainable Code

I also like this phrase: "Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur."