Quite humorous, if you spend any time in SQL server: TOP 10 THINGS I HATE ABOUT SQL SERVER
Labels: sql
Quite humorous, if you spend any time in SQL server: TOP 10 THINGS I HATE ABOUT SQL SERVER
Labels: sql
Earlier I mentioned some unexpected behavior with ISDATE(@foo) and CAST(@foo AS smalldatetime). This time the surprise came when looking at some existing code that compared a date to an empty string, expecting that @Date <> '' would yield false if the date had been set. Not so fast:
DECLARE @Date1 smalldatetime, @Date2 smalldatetime SELECT @Date1 = '1/1/1900', @Date2 = '' IF @Date1 = @Date2 PRINT 'funny' ELSE PRINT 'expected'Results:
<< Statement Executed Successfully >>
Labels: sql
RSVME is a nifty, free and simple tool for creating questionaires like this one: Favorite .NET Language. I'll definitely use this next time I try to solicit answers from a group. It sure beats the pants off the voting buttons in Outlook
Back when I had a company laptop that I'd occasionally bring home, I really wanted a product like this: Mobile Net Switch - The Network Connection Manager
"Mobile Net Switch is a network switch utility, also called a netswitcher or multinetwork manager and enables you to create multiple network profiles.
"The program has been designed to allow you to switch between several network profiles instantly, without needing to restart your computer. It also incorporates a professional yet easy to use interface and even allows you to enable none-admin users to configure network settings without technical knowledge.
"A (network) profile can be created for each location. With the click of a button the following settings can be modified instantly: IP Addressing (IP Address, Subnet mask, WINS, DNS, Default gateway), Internet Explorer and Firefox Proxy Server settings, Drive mappings, Internet Connection Firewall / Windows Firewall, ISA Server Firewall client 2000 and ISA Server Firewall client 2004, DNS Suffix, NetBIOS over TCP/IP, Internet Explorer Start Page, MAC Address, Dialup and VPN connection, Dialing rules, Default Printer, Mapi (Outlook) Profile, Time Zone, Outgoing SMTP mail server, Hosts file content, LMHosts file content, Sound volume, Sound mute, Wallpaper, Display Resolution, Numlock state, Restarting network cards, Enabling and disabling modems and more. "
Exceedingly poorly written, but some good tips: Windows XP Tweaks and TIPS - addict3d.org
PageMethods by metaSapiens is a framework providing well-defined (or typed) URLs for your ASP.NET sites. Definitely worth looking into for my next ASP.NET project, whenever that might be.
The trouble with being a senator - they keep track of what you say and do:
from Salon.com News | Resorting to semantics[...] Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist will arrange early next week for the presiding officer of the Senate to declare that it's unconstitutional to filibuster judicial nominees. There's just one catch: On March 8, 2000, Frist himself tried to filibuster a judicial nominee.
Earlier this week on the Senate floor, New York Sen. Chuck Schumer asked Frist about his vote in favor of filibustering Richard Paez, a judge Bill Clinton appointed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Frist stammered through the beginnings of an explanation -- "Mr. President, the, in response, the Paez nomination ..." -- and then said he'd return to the Senate floor later to explain his filibuster vote further.
You don't have to watch the Daily Show to know that the news media is getting a little too excited for its own good: Our Top Story Tonight: Crime in the News.
Murder reports - the fad of the 90's news media.
Labels: rant
I'll implement the C# version next time I have a need for cross tab/pivot table output: .NET CrossTabs versus SQL Server CrossTabs
Labels: sql
My Auto Playlists in Windows Media Player 10 stopped working suddenly - I kept getting a "property was not found" error. Luckily Google came to the rescue - again: Windows Media Newsgroups - Error code C00D32CA in Windows Media Player
"in ur media library under All Audio, you'll find an untitled song in it, delete it away from your list and you Auto-playlist works.."
Amen: USATODAY.com - As lives get longer, benefits should come later
Social Security is such an easy thing to fix, relatively speaking. Input must equal output. Medicare on the other hand, is a huge mess that will require substantial changes in American society's attitudes towards health-care in general and end-of-life care in particular.
The following lengthy SQL script will create a system function in SQL Server that returns a data dictionary for any database on the server when called like this:
select * from ::fn_datadictionary()The output includes the Description of the objects.
More info on creating system functions can be found in the Dec 2001 edition of SQL Server Professional.
Now, for the SQL:
EXEC SP_CONFIGURE 'ALLOW UPDATES', 1 RECONFIGURE WITH OVERRIDE USE master go CREATE FUNCTION system_function_schema.fn_datadictionary () RETURNS @DataDictionary TABLE ( object_id int, object_name nvarchar(128), object_type nvarchar(128), column_order int NULL, column_name varchar(60) NULL, column_datatype varchar(20) NULL, column_length int NULL, object_description varchar(500) NULL ) AS BEGIN DECLARE @object_name nvarchar(128) ------------------------- --Tables and Columns ------------------------- DECLARE table_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE type IN ('U') AND status > 1 ORDER BY name OPEN table_cursor FETCH NEXT FROM table_cursor INTO @object_name WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN --Tables INSERT @DataDictionary SELECT object_id = o.[id], object_name = o.[name], object_type = 'Table', column_order = 0, column_name = NULL, column_datatype = NULL, column_length = NULL, object_description = LTRIM(CAST(e.value AS varchar(500))) FROM sysobjects o LEFT JOIN ::FN_LISTEXTENDEDPROPERTY(N'MS_Description', N'user',N'dbo',N'table', @object_name, null, default) e ON o.name = e.objname WHERE o.name = @object_name --Columns INSERT @DataDictionary SELECT object_id = o.[id], object_name = o.[name], object_type = 'Table Column', column_order = c.colorder, column_name = c.[name], column_datatype = t.[name], column_length = c.[length], object_description = LTRIM(CAST(e.value AS varchar(500))) FROM sysobjects o INNER JOIN syscolumns c ON o.id = c.id INNER JOIN systypes t ON c.xtype = t.xtype LEFT JOIN ::FN_LISTEXTENDEDPROPERTY(N'MS_Description', N'user',N'dbo',N'table', @object_name, N'column', null) e ON c.name = e.objname WHERE o.name = @object_name ORDER BY c.colorder FETCH NEXT FROM table_cursor INTO @object_name END CLOSE table_cursor DEALLOCATE table_cursor ------------------------- --Views and Columns ------------------------- DECLARE view_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE type IN ('V') AND status > 1 ORDER BY name OPEN view_cursor FETCH NEXT FROM view_cursor INTO @object_name WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN --Views INSERT @DataDictionary SELECT object_id = o.[id], object_name = o.[name], object_type = 'View', column_order = 0, column_name = NULL, column_datatype = NULL, column_length = NULL, object_description = LTRIM(CAST(e.value AS varchar(500))) FROM sysobjects o LEFT JOIN ::FN_LISTEXTENDEDPROPERTY(N'MS_Description', N'user',N'dbo',N'view', @object_name, null, default) e ON o.name = e.objname WHERE o.name = @object_name --Columns INSERT @DataDictionary SELECT object_id = o.[id], object_name = o.[name], object_type = 'View Column', column_order = c.colorder, column_name = c.[name], column_datatype = t.[name], column_length = c.[length], object_description = LTRIM(CAST(e.value AS varchar(500))) FROM sysobjects o INNER JOIN syscolumns c ON o.id = c.id INNER JOIN systypes t ON c.xtype = t.xtype LEFT JOIN ::FN_LISTEXTENDEDPROPERTY(N'MS_Description', N'user',N'dbo',N'view', @object_name, N'column', null) e ON c.name = e.objname WHERE o.name = @object_name ORDER BY c.colorder FETCH NEXT FROM view_cursor INTO @object_name END CLOSE view_cursor DEALLOCATE view_cursor --------------------------- --Procedures and Parameters --------------------------- DECLARE proc_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE type IN ('P') AND status > 1 ORDER BY name OPEN proc_cursor FETCH NEXT FROM proc_cursor INTO @object_name WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN --Procedures INSERT @DataDictionary SELECT object_id = o.[id], object_name = o.[name], object_type = 'Procedure', column_order = 0, column_name = NULL, column_datatype = NULL, column_length = NULL, object_description = LTRIM(CAST(e.value AS varchar(500))) FROM sysobjects o LEFT JOIN ::FN_LISTEXTENDEDPROPERTY(N'MS_Description', N'user',N'dbo',N'procedure', @object_name, null, default) e ON o.name = e.objname WHERE o.name = @object_name --Parameters INSERT @DataDictionary SELECT object_id = o.[id], object_name = o.[name], object_type = 'Procedure Parameter', column_order = c.colorder, column_name = c.[name], column_datatype = t.[name], column_length = c.[length], object_description = LTRIM(CAST(e.value AS varchar(500))) FROM sysobjects o INNER JOIN syscolumns c ON o.id = c.id INNER JOIN systypes t ON c.xtype = t.xtype LEFT JOIN ::FN_LISTEXTENDEDPROPERTY(N'MS_Description', N'user',N'dbo',N'procedure', @object_name, N'parameter', null) e ON c.name = e.objname WHERE o.name = @object_name AND t.name <> 'sysname' ORDER BY c.colorder FETCH NEXT FROM proc_cursor INTO @object_name END CLOSE proc_cursor DEALLOCATE proc_cursor --------------------------- --Functions and Parameters --------------------------- DECLARE func_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE type IN ('FN', 'TF', 'IF') AND status > 1 ORDER BY name OPEN func_cursor FETCH NEXT FROM func_cursor INTO @object_name WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN --Functions INSERT @DataDictionary SELECT object_id = o.[id], object_name = o.[name], object_type = 'Function', column_order = 0, column_name = NULL, column_datatype = NULL, column_length = NULL, object_description = LTRIM(CAST(e.value AS varchar(500))) FROM sysobjects o LEFT JOIN ::FN_LISTEXTENDEDPROPERTY(N'MS_Description', N'user',N'dbo',N'function', @object_name, null, default) e ON o.name = e.objname WHERE o.name = @object_name --Parameters INSERT @DataDictionary SELECT object_id = o.[id], object_name = o.[name], object_type = 'Function Parameter', column_order = c.colorder, column_name = CASE WHEN c.[name] = '' THEN '' ELSE c.[name] END, column_datatype = t.[name], column_length = c.[length], object_description = LTRIM(CAST(e.value AS varchar(500))) FROM sysobjects o INNER JOIN syscolumns c ON o.id = c.id INNER JOIN systypes t ON c.xtype = t.xtype LEFT JOIN ::FN_LISTEXTENDEDPROPERTY(N'MS_Description', N'user',N'dbo',N'function', @object_name, N'parameter', null) e ON c.name = e.objname WHERE o.name = @object_name AND t.name <> 'sysname' ORDER BY c.colorder FETCH NEXT FROM func_cursor INTO @object_name END CLOSE func_cursor DEALLOCATE func_cursor RETURN END GO EXEC SP_CONFIGURE 'ALLOW UPDATES', 0 RECONFIGURE WITH OVERRIDE GO
Labels: sql
This sounds contradictory enough that I'll have to take a look: tilde: XML Websites Without Any Programming
This is getting interesting: Microsoft SQL Server - Using CROSS APPLY in SQL Server 2005 - SQLTeam.com
Labels: sql
AC Propulsion converted a Jetta to a serial hybrid, with plug-in and vehicle-to-grid power flow capabilities. Interesting stuff: Business Information: AC Propulsion -- Plug-In HEV with Vehicle to Grid Power Flow
They also have a 3.6 sec 0-60 all-electric sports car with a 300 mile range. Why do we need hydrogen-based fuel cell vehicles?
Slashdot relays reports on India Launching World's First [Civilian] Stereo Imaging Satellite from a space station near Chennai (formerly Madras).
This is definitely not the same type of Indian transportation that I remember from 12 years ago, with its Auto Rickshaws, Ambassadors, Enfield Bullets, and Tata trucks...
Via Slashdot: Wink is a free software tool for building Flash animations meant for tutorials, though it should also be able to create any other simple Flash presentation.
As the Slashdot blurb points out, Wink is the latest recipient of the Noble Piece Prize.
Now if only someone could bundle these into mp3 files: KCRW: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
There is a popular ongoing myth about the performace benefit of specifying an ID when using the COUNT function in SQL. For example, Darrel Norton is normally on the ball about stuff, but here he is just wrong.
SELECT COUNT(FooID) FROM Foois not faster than
As the documentation states:
COUNT(*) does not require an expression parameter because, by definition, it does not use information about any particular column. COUNT(*) returns the number of rows in a specified table without eliminating duplicates. It counts each row separately, including rows that contain null values.
Labels: sql