Friday, August 28, 2009

Making T4MVC comply with CLS

FXCop rule CA1014 tells you to mark your assembly as CLSCompliant. If you adhere to this, your T4MVC (as of build 2.4.01 at least) will throw compiler warnings saying stuff like



is not CLS-Compliant.

If you have 10 controllers and 50 views this will result in 61 warnings…

The reason is that these are public members that start with an underscore, which is a CLS no-no:


To solve this, edit the file to mark the code with a [CLSCompliant(false)] attribute.  Once you start this, you’ll also find additional warnings from mebers that implement the now-explicitly-non-compliant members, but a few more [CLSCompliant(false)] attribute handles that. Full code in gist below.

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Monday, August 24, 2009

Making T4MVC comply with StyleCop

On a current MVC project we’re also using the excellent T4MVC template by David Ebbo.  StyleCop however, thinks the generated code is well, less than perfect – it generates some 500 warnings at the moment. 

The solution to this is a simple choice between two options:

Fix the TT file to generate StyleCop compliant code, or exclude the generated T4MVC.cs class from StyleCop.

The pragmatic choice here is of course to exclude the file.  But how?

I first tried to add <ExcludeFromStyleCop>true</ExcludeFromStyleCop> to the Compile entry in the csproj file. Unfortunately that only works with builds from OUTSIDE Visual Studio.

Sergey Shishkin has the answers:

Encapsulating the code in a region that contains the string “generated code” does the trick, but even easier is to simply put a // <auto-generated /> comment at the top of the generated file – which of course means edit the TT file to stick it there.

Would be nice to see this included in the next release….

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