Tuesday, July 22, 2008

C#: String.Inject() - Format strings by key tokens

I generally prefer to use String.Format() instead of doing a bunch of string additions, but constantly find myself splitting the code onto multiple lines with an appended comment to keep track of the indices:

string myString = string.Format("{0} is {1} and {2} is {3}",, //0, //1
  o.yadi, //2
  o.yada //3

Wouldn't it be nice you could instead write something like this?:

string myString = "{foo} is {bar} and {yadi} is {yada}".Inject(o);

Well, now you can - see the string extension method Inject below; it accepts an object, IDictionary or HashTable and replaces the property name/key tokens with the instance values.  Since it uses string.Format internally, it also supports string.Format-like custom formatting:

   1:  using System;
   2:  using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
   3:  using System.Collections;
   4:  using System.Globalization;
   5:  using System.ComponentModel;
   7:  [assembly: CLSCompliant(true)]
   8:  namespace StringInject
   9:  {
  10:    public static class StringInjectExtension
  11:    {
  12:      /// <summary>
  13:      /// Extension method that replaces keys in a string with the values of matching object properties.
  14:      /// <remarks>Uses <see cref="String.Format()"/> internally; custom formats should match those used for that method.</remarks>
  15:      /// </summary>
  16:      /// <param name="formatString">The format string, containing keys like {foo} and {foo:SomeFormat}.</param>
  17:      /// <param name="injectionObject">The object whose properties should be injected in the string</param>
  18:      /// <returns>A version of the formatString string with keys replaced by (formatted) key values.</returns>
  19:      public static string Inject(this string formatString, object injectionObject)
  20:      {
  21:        return formatString.Inject(GetPropertyHash(injectionObject));
  22:      }
  24:      /// <summary>
  25:      /// Extension method that replaces keys in a string with the values of matching dictionary entries.
  26:      /// <remarks>Uses <see cref="String.Format()"/> internally; custom formats should match those used for that method.</remarks>
  27:      /// </summary>
  28:      /// <param name="formatString">The format string, containing keys like {foo} and {foo:SomeFormat}.</param>
  29:      /// <param name="dictionary">An <see cref="IDictionary"/> with keys and values to inject into the string</param>
  30:      /// <returns>A version of the formatString string with dictionary keys replaced by (formatted) key values.</returns>
  31:      public static string Inject(this string formatString, IDictionary dictionary)
  32:      {
  33:        return formatString.Inject(new Hashtable(dictionary));
  34:      }
  36:      /// <summary>
  37:      /// Extension method that replaces keys in a string with the values of matching hashtable entries.
  38:      /// <remarks>Uses <see cref="String.Format()"/> internally; custom formats should match those used for that method.</remarks>
  39:      /// </summary>
  40:      /// <param name="formatString">The format string, containing keys like {foo} and {foo:SomeFormat}.</param>
  41:      /// <param name="attributes">A <see cref="Hashtable"/> with keys and values to inject into the string</param>
  42:      /// <returns>A version of the formatString string with hastable keys replaced by (formatted) key values.</returns>
  43:      public static string Inject(this string formatString, Hashtable attributes)
  44:      {
  45:        string result = formatString;
  46:        if (attributes == null || formatString == null)
  47:          return result;
  49:        foreach (string attributeKey in attributes.Keys)
  50:        {
  51:          result = result.InjectSingleValue(attributeKey, attributes[attributeKey]);
  52:        }
  53:        return result;
  54:      }
  56:      /// <summary>
  57:      /// Replaces all instances of a 'key' (e.g. {foo} or {foo:SomeFormat}) in a string with an optionally formatted value, and returns the result.
  58:      /// </summary>
  59:      /// <param name="formatString">The string containing the key; unformatted ({foo}), or formatted ({foo:SomeFormat})</param>
  60:      /// <param name="key">The key name (foo)</param>
  61:      /// <param name="replacementValue">The replacement value; if null is replaced with an empty string</param>
  62:      /// <returns>The input string with any instances of the key replaced with the replacement value</returns>
  63:      public static string InjectSingleValue(this string formatString, string key, object replacementValue)
  64:      {
  65:        string result = formatString;
  66:        //regex replacement of key with value, where the generic key format is:
  67:        //Regex foo = new Regex("{(foo)(?:}|(?::(.[^}]*)}))");
  68:        Regex attributeRegex = new Regex("{(" + key + ")(?:}|(?::(.[^}]*)}))");  //for key = foo, matches {foo} and {foo:SomeFormat}
  70:        //loop through matches, since each key may be used more than once (and with a different format string)
  71:        foreach (Match m in attributeRegex.Matches(formatString))
  72:        {
  73:          string replacement = m.ToString();
  74:          if (m.Groups[2].Length > 0) //matched {foo:SomeFormat}
  75:          {
  76:            //do a double string.Format - first to build the proper format string, and then to format the replacement value
  77:            string attributeFormatString = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{{0:{0}}}", m.Groups[2]);
  78:            replacement = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, attributeFormatString, replacementValue);
  79:          }
  80:          else //matched {foo}
  81:          {
  82:            replacement = (replacementValue ?? string.Empty).ToString();
  83:          }
  84:          //perform replacements, one match at a time
  85:          result = result.Replace(m.ToString(), replacement);  //attributeRegex.Replace(result, replacement, 1);
  86:        }
  87:        return result;
  89:      }
  92:      /// <summary>
  93:      /// Creates a HashTable based on current object state.
  94:      /// <remarks>Copied from the MVCToolkit HtmlExtensionUtility class</remarks>
  95:      /// </summary>
  96:      /// <param name="properties">The object from which to get the properties</param>
  97:      /// <returns>A <see cref="Hashtable"/> containing the object instance's property names and their values</returns>
  98:      private static Hashtable GetPropertyHash(object properties)
  99:      {
 100:        Hashtable values = null;
 101:        if (properties != null)
 102:        {
 103:          values = new Hashtable();
 104:          PropertyDescriptorCollection props = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(properties);
 105:          foreach (PropertyDescriptor prop in props)
 106:          {
 107:            values.Add(prop.Name, prop.GetValue(properties));
 108:          }
 109:        }
 110:        return values;
 111:      }
 113:    }
 114:  }

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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

.NET: What exactly does Trim() trim?

I found myself using the character specific String.Trim(params char[] trimChars) overload to remove some carriage returns and tabs when I realized I was reinventing the wheel again.  Not content with the basic Trim()'s intellisense ("Removes all occurrences of white space characters from the beginning and end of this instance") I dove into Reflector:

public string Trim()
    return this.TrimHelper(WhitespaceChars, 2);

TrimHelper is fairly obvious - it does the actual trimming of the characters.

The WhitespaceChars array (which is also used by TryParse() and some of the other TrimXxx() methods) is set in the String static constructor:

static String()
    Empty = "";
    WhitespaceChars = new char[] { 
        '\t', '\n', '\v', '\f', '\r', ' ', '\x0085', '\x00a0', ' ', 
        ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', 
        ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', '​', '\u2028', '\u2029', ' ', ''

Not sure what some of those non-printable characters are, but I'm satisfied...

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Thursday, February 01, 2007

Self-Updating (and Self-healing) Applications

Scott Hanselman wrote a post called Making Your Application Update Itself that inspired me to leave a rather long comment. Since I don't blog much these days, I figured I'd also post my comment here:

The way I did this at my last job was to force an update check at the launch of the application. The app was an internal WinForm 1.1 app, with a webservice backend, since the users were not all in the same location. Rather than politely asking if the users wanted to update, we actually could require that they always work in the latest release.

So, I created a separate launcher exe that checked a webservice for a list of current files: if the list of files on the server differed from that on the client (determined by the hash of each file), then it'd download the necessary files, but only those. This had several benefits: We didn't need an installer for anything other than the launcher. If we only updated a single dll, then that was the only dll that needed to be sent to the clients. And should a user be boneheaded and delete an assembly, the application would heal itself.

To speed things up we compressed and decompressed the dlls (through the same web service compression utility we used for all webservice calls over a certain size).

The whole thing worked exceptionally well and was by far one of the more enjoyable tasks on the whole project (along with the custom web service compression task)...

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