Thursday, February 16, 2006

ReSharper 218 - good enough for now

I was griping earlier about ReSharper's build 215, which was crapping out on me. Well, I had no more luck with builds 216 and 217, but build 218 seems to be good enough to keep installed. Yay.

It too has some bugs though...

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.NetTiers - all grown up

.NetTiers is an awesome CodeSmith template suite for generating Data Access Layers (as well as BLL and webservice stubs). I had some VERY limited involvement early on in this project, in the sense that some of my templates were used as the basis for parts of the project. I'm not claiming any more credit than that - but it's fun to find my name in the code...

Eric J. Smith (the creator of CodeSmith) wrote a great article and also created a video tutorial on how to use .NetTiers to Build a Data Access Layer in less than 15 minutes. Actually, once the code is downloaded and intalled and the proper settings are made, it takes the tool much less time - only 1 minute 45 seconds to generate the DAL, BLL and WS layer for our database with 100 tables.

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Wednesday, February 01, 2006

IE 7 Beta 2 - not quite ready for prime-time

So I downloaded IE7 beta 2, since the bloggers told me to. Hmm. Nice new interface - looks like they did something with ClearType perhaps, to make the fonts smoother? But then I realized that
  1. Grouper's start page no longer works
  2. IE7's pages have JavaScript errors
  3. Flickr's pages are messed up
  4. Poof - the browser closed on me without warning
  5. Uh - IE6 is gone. Sh!t.
Should have known better.