Vista SP2 Includes Hyper-V…
...but you can’t actually access it:
“Hyper-V *
- “Windows Vista SP2 includes Hyper-V™ technology, enabling full virtualization of server workloads
“*To clarify, Hyper-V is not included in Windows Vista SP2, it is part of the Windows Server 2008 service pack. This means that when you install SP2 for Windows Server 2008, or if you install a slipstreamed version of Windows Server 2008 with SP2, the RTM version of the Hyper-V role will be included. Hyper-V was released after Windows Server 2008, which means that the role you currently install is a pre-release role and needs to be updated to bring it up to RTM. This update will be applied (only if necessary) automatically when you install SP2.”
The post goes on to state that*:
“There Is Now Free Lunch*, (*to clarify: There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch)”.
*To clarify, the post does not actually state that.
Labels: microsoft, moss, sharepoint, silliness, virtualization